America The Beautiful , #THEFIRSTAMENDMENT


First Amendment Protection


The Beautiful what  is your beauty  when I think of our national anthem I am struck with a teary eye and a sense of awe and then I watch a ball game and see the character of my nation in  threat of demise. The people I live around and share the the roads with are either kind people or the other guy the crook. How can you tell who is who? Jesus said you will know a tree by it fruit. Our great shepherd would say sheep don’t eat sheep. I have a desire to see America return to her former greatness, Let us return to our foundations. Here are some interesting thought about freedom. The question is where does liberty come from?

“Of the seven Principles embraced in the Principle approach to the America’s Christian history and government, probably the one that raises the most question is the fifth, which states that there is a Christian form to American civil government specifically , a Christian Constitutional Federal Republic.”

“To a considerable extent, this skepticism is the net result of a full century of secular revision of American history, which has progressively removed evidences of tangible christian influences in the shaping of this nations form of government, national, state, and local.”

In past Generations this skepticism has been much heightened by a much repeated  misinterpretation of the 1 amendment as James Rose point out in American Christian History. In the first Clause of the amendment to the constitution.

“The assertion that “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of” was intended to protect both Christianity and individual liberty of conscience by guaranteeing toleration of all religious convictions, so long as the are not subversive of civil order or society.”

My have we fallen far from the intention of the law. Constitution is another way of saying here are the ground rules we have a wonderful constitution that has served us well but if we do not interpret its original meaning we will lose in the end.

James Harrington once said ” The power that can invade Liberty of Conscience, can usurp civil Liberty.” that was in the 1611-1677 that he lived.

“This opening clause of the first amendment did not reflect Indifference to religion, a desire to hamper the Christian church, or to minimize or regulate”

Note the term Religion referred to Christianity in American Literature in the 1800’s.

“the “free exercise” of Christianity. Justice Joseph Story, Associate justice of the U.S. Supreme court for 34 years by president James Madison’s appointment, wrote  in 1833 concerning the First Amendment: “ The promulgation of the great doctrines of religion, the being, and attributes, and providence of one Almighty God; The responsibility to Him for all our actions, founded upon moral accountability; a future state of rewards and punishments; the cultivation of all the personal, social and benevolent virtues; these can never be a matter of indifference in any well ordered community. It is indeed difficult to conceive how any civilized society can well exist without them. And, at all event, it is impossible for those, who believe in the truth of Christianity, as a divine revelation , to doubt that it is especially the duty of government to foster and encourage it among all citizens and subjects. This is a point wholly distinct from that of the right  of private judgment in matters of religion, and of freedom of public worship, according to the dictated]s of one’s conscience.”

Quotes taken from The Guild to American Christian Education for the Home and School. James Rose first edition second printing 1987. Pg. 49

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